Love is never having to say you're sorry.' What a crock. Love is constantly saying you're sorry, even when you know damn well you're right. —Kim Gruenenfelder in A Total Waste of Makeup More about this quote Tags: love relationships apology Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Well, let's face it, you're not stupid. You knew there were a lot of things wrong in the relationship, you just chose to ignore them because there were so many good things you didn't want to give up. Now, you're at the point in your life where you're strong enough to give up the good stuff. You're strong enough to expect more from your life. I'm proud of you for that. Most women aren't that strong. They're so terrified of being alone that they stay with the wrong guy, rather than risk loneliness waiting for the right guy. —Kim Gruenenfelder in A Total Waste of Makeup More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Men aren't stupid, and you don't need a complicated set of rules to find a good one who loves you. Here's the only rule you need: if a man loves you, he will do anything he can to keep you around. Anything. —Kim Gruenenfelder in A Total Waste of Makeup More about this quote Tags: love men need Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
About Kim Gruenenfelder Kim Gruenenfelder is an American author and screenwriter. She became known for writing women's fiction, specifically romantic comedy fiction novels. [from Wikipedia] See more quotations from Kim Gruenenfelder on Quodid