Ralph Hodgson


Picture of Ralph Hodgson

Ralph Hodgson (9 September 1871 – 3 November 1962), Order of the Rising Sun (Japanese 旭日章), was an English poet, very popular in his lifetime as an early member of the Georgian School of poets, which included Rupert Brooke, Siegfried Sassoon, Walter de la Mare, Robert Graves and A. E. Housman. He shunned publicity and guarded his personal life fiercely but, at the same time, was a great, sometimes exhausting talker. He kept up a copious correspondence with other poets and literary figures, especially Siegfried Sassoon, as well as people he met in his time in Japan, such as Professor Takeshi Saito. His poem "The Bells of Heaven" was ranked 85th in the list of Classic FM's One Hundred Favourite Poems. It reflected his deep concerns with ecological matters and with cruelty to animals. One of his closest friends was Henry Salt, for whom he wrote the anti-feather-trade poem, "To Deck A Woman".

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Quotes from Ralph Hodgson