Better to get up late and be wide awake than to get up early and be asleep all day. —Unknown More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
More quotations from Unknown Always imitate the behavior of the winners when you lose. —Unknown More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. —Unknown More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email Most people rust out due to lack of challenge. Few people rust out due to overuse. —Unknown More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs. —Unknown More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email Watch your thoughts, they become words./ Watch your words, they become actions./ Watch your actions, they become habits./ Watch your habits, they become your character./ Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. —Unknown More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Always imitate the behavior of the winners when you lose. —Unknown More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. —Unknown More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Most people rust out due to lack of challenge. Few people rust out due to overuse. —Unknown More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs. —Unknown More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Watch your thoughts, they become words./ Watch your words, they become actions./ Watch your actions, they become habits./ Watch your habits, they become your character./ Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. —Unknown More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email