If you ask why I'm not interested in someone, I might say their nose is too big, or they don't know how to dress, or they're too thin or too fat or too plain. But the truth is, I only notice those things because of the real reason—that I'm just not feeling anything. But people don't want to hear that. They always want an explanation. So I have to come up with something concrete even though feelings aren't like that. If I did meet a guy and I felt happy with him for whatever reason, I wouldn't care what he wore or how tall he was or what he did for a living. But when I'm with someone and it just doesn't feel right, that's when I start noticing the bad haircut or uni-brow. And it's true that tomorrow I may go home with someone who you think is totally wrong for me. And the next day I might meet a perfectly nice guy who you think I should feel excited about, but I don't. But if I do go home with someone, it means for a change, something feels right. For a change, I'm feeling hopeful. I just want to feel happy when I'm with someone. Is that so wrong?

Caren Lissner in Starting from Square Two

About Caren Lissner

Caren Lissner (born February 13, 1973) is an American novelist, essayist, and newspaper editor. Her published novels include Carrie Pilby (2003) and Starting from Square Two (2004).

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