Ideals are a curse because they prevent you from thinking directly, simply and truly, when you are faced with facts. The ideal, the what should be, is an escape from what is. The what is is the fact that you are afraid—afraid of what your parents will say, of what people will think, afraid of society, afraid of disease, death; and if you face what is, look at it, go into it even though it brings you misery, and understand it, then you will find that your mind becomes extraordinarily simple, clear; and in that very clarity there is the cessation of fear. —Jiddu Krishnamurti in Think on These Things More about this quote Tags: fear simplicity society facts thinking misery ideal Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
In constantly seeking to actualize your ideal, you will have no time for composure. But if you are always prepared for accepting everything we see as something appearing from nothing . . . then at that moment you will have perfect composure. —Edward Weston More about this quote Tags: acceptance seeking ideal composure Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email