People's reaction to me is sometimes "Uch, I just don't like her. I hate how she thinks she is so great." But it's not that I think I'm so great. I just don't hate myself. I do idiotic things all the time and I say crazy stuff I regret, but I don't let everything traumatize me. And the scary thing I have noticed is that some people really feel uncomfortable around women who don't hate themselves. So that's why you need to be a little bit brave.

Mindy Kaling in Why Not Me?

About Mindy Kaling

Portrait of Mindy Kaling

Vera Mindy Chokalingam (born June 24, 1979), known professionally as Mindy Kaling (), is an American actress, comedian, screenwriter, and producer. Known for her work on television, she has received numerous accolades including two Screen Actors Guild Awards and a Tony Award, and six Primetime Emmy Awards nominations.

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