When my old life died, it didn't go quietly. It detonated. —Christina Lauren More about this quote Tags: life change drama Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
About Christina Lauren Christina Lauren, the combined pen name of Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings Luhrs, is an American author duo of contemporary fiction, teen fiction and romance novels.
More quotations from Christina Lauren Falling in love isn't about who makes you feel the best, but who could make you the most miserable if they leave. —Christina Lauren in Wicked Sexy Liar More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email Isn't it amazing how you meet the person you're meant to meet, when you're supposed to meet her? —Christina Lauren in Beautiful Bitch More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email Find a woman who will be your equal in every way. Don't let yourself fall for someone who'll put your world before theirs. Fall for the powerhouse who lives as fearlessly as you do. —Christina Lauren in Beautiful Bitch More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email This is how we reveal ourselves: these tiny flashes of discomfort, the reactions we can't hide. —Christina Lauren More about this quote Tags: discomfort self-revelation Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email Is this what it means to become infatuated with someone? A heart becomes a hybrid, half yours, half theirs. Mine beats like this because it wants out. My chest aches to let his heart in. —Christina Lauren More about this quote Tags: love heart infatuation Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Falling in love isn't about who makes you feel the best, but who could make you the most miserable if they leave. —Christina Lauren in Wicked Sexy Liar More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Isn't it amazing how you meet the person you're meant to meet, when you're supposed to meet her? —Christina Lauren in Beautiful Bitch More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Find a woman who will be your equal in every way. Don't let yourself fall for someone who'll put your world before theirs. Fall for the powerhouse who lives as fearlessly as you do. —Christina Lauren in Beautiful Bitch More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
This is how we reveal ourselves: these tiny flashes of discomfort, the reactions we can't hide. —Christina Lauren More about this quote Tags: discomfort self-revelation Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Is this what it means to become infatuated with someone? A heart becomes a hybrid, half yours, half theirs. Mine beats like this because it wants out. My chest aches to let his heart in. —Christina Lauren More about this quote Tags: love heart infatuation Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
More quotations tagged with “drama” Over and above any spring we may know, outside our windows or in our hearts, there is the illimitable sweep of God's concern for his creation and his creatures; comprehending both suffering and beatitude, and transcending both. No one who has been spared — certainly not I — dare say to the afflicted that they are blessed in their affliction, or dare offer comfort in universal terms for particular griefs. Yet one can dimly see and humbly say that suffering is an integral and essential part of our human drama. That it falls upon one and all in differing degrees and belongs to God's purpose for us here on earth, so that in the end, all the experience of living has to teach us is to say: Thy will be done. To say it standing before a cross; itself signifying the suffering of God in the person of a Man, and the redemption of a Man in the person of God. The greatest sorrow and the greatest joy co-existing on Golgotha. —Malcolm Muggeridge in Something Beautiful for God More about this quote Tags: life God man concern grief earth transcendence drama Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost. —Arthur Ashe More about this quote Tags: others heroism service drama Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email There is no music like that music, no drama like the drama of the saints rejoicing, the sinners moaning, the tambourines racing, and all those voices coming together and crying holy unto the Lord. . . . I have never seen anything to equal the fire and excitement that sometimes, without warning, fill a church, causing the church, as Leadbelly and so many others have testified, to "rock. —James Baldwin More about this quote Tags: sin music church excitement drama rock and roll Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Over and above any spring we may know, outside our windows or in our hearts, there is the illimitable sweep of God's concern for his creation and his creatures; comprehending both suffering and beatitude, and transcending both. No one who has been spared — certainly not I — dare say to the afflicted that they are blessed in their affliction, or dare offer comfort in universal terms for particular griefs. Yet one can dimly see and humbly say that suffering is an integral and essential part of our human drama. That it falls upon one and all in differing degrees and belongs to God's purpose for us here on earth, so that in the end, all the experience of living has to teach us is to say: Thy will be done. To say it standing before a cross; itself signifying the suffering of God in the person of a Man, and the redemption of a Man in the person of God. The greatest sorrow and the greatest joy co-existing on Golgotha. —Malcolm Muggeridge in Something Beautiful for God More about this quote Tags: life God man concern grief earth transcendence drama Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost. —Arthur Ashe More about this quote Tags: others heroism service drama Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
There is no music like that music, no drama like the drama of the saints rejoicing, the sinners moaning, the tambourines racing, and all those voices coming together and crying holy unto the Lord. . . . I have never seen anything to equal the fire and excitement that sometimes, without warning, fill a church, causing the church, as Leadbelly and so many others have testified, to "rock. —James Baldwin More about this quote Tags: sin music church excitement drama rock and roll Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email