I put a dollar in a change machine. Nothing happened. —George Carlin More about this quote Tags: change money irony Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
His mother had often said, When you choose an action, you choose the consequences of that action. She had emphasized the corollary of this axiom even more vehemently: when you desired a consequence, you had damned well better take the action that would create it. —Lois McMaster Bujold More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
People have the power to redeem the work of fools. —Patti Smith More about this quote Tags: power people work fools Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
The nonviolent approach does not immediately change the heart of the oppressor. It first does something to the hearts and souls of those committed to it. It gives them new self-respect; it calls up resources of strength and courage that they did not know they had. Finally it reaches the opponent and so stirs his conscience that reconciliation becomes a reality. —Martin Luther King Jr. More about this quote Tags: strength hearts change conscience respect nonviolence courage oppression self-respect Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up. —Anne Lamott More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Inside my empty bottle I was constructing a lighthouse while all the others were making ships. —Charles Simic More about this quote Tags: self effort self-work Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
When, at some point in our lives, we meet a real tragedy — which could happen to any one of us — we can react in two ways. Obviously, we can lose hope, let ourselves slip into discouragement, into alcohol, drugs, and unending sadness. Or else we can wake ourselves up, discover in ourselves an energy that was hidden there, and act with more clarity, more force. —14th Dalai Lama More about this quote Tags: hope sadness tragedy energy alcohol live clarity drugs Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
In this world, you must be a bit too kind to be kind enough. —Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux More about this quote Tags: kindness world Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
It is easy enough to be friendly to one's friends. But to befriend the one who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of true religion. The other is mere business. —Mahatma Gandhi More about this quote Tags: friends religion enemies business friendliness Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
There are plenty of good reasons for fighting . . . but no good reason ever to hate without reservation, to imagine that God Almighty Himself hates with you, too. Where's evil? It's that large part of every man that wants to hate without limit, that wants to hate with God on its side. —Kurt Vonnegut More about this quote Tags: hate God evil fighting Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
We are called to play the good Samaritan on life's roadside; but that will be only an initial act. One day the whole Jericho road must be transformed so that men and women will not be beaten and robbed as they make their journey through life. True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it understands that an edifice that produces beggars needs restructuring. —Martin Luther King Jr. More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
No man should judge unless he asks himself in absolute honesty whether in a similar situation he might not have done the same. —Viktor Frankl More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Ordinary compassion and love give rise to a very close feeling, but it is essentially attachment. As long as the other person appears to you as beautiful or good, love remains, but as soon as he or she appears to you as less beautiful or good, your love completely changes. . . . Instead of love, you now feel hostility. With genuine love and compassion, another person's appearance or behavior has no effect on your attitude. Real compassion comes from seeing the other's suffering. You feel a sense of responsibility, and you want to do something for him or her. —14th Dalai Lama More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
What value has compassion that does not take its object in its arms? —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry More about this quote Tags: love compassion value Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum. —Frances Willard More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email