Land really is the best art. —Andy Warhol More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
The Sun, Moon and Stars are there to guide us. —Dennis Banks More about this quote Tags: stars sun moon guide Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Art is a revolt against fate. All art is a revolt against man's fate. —Andre Malraux More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Many artists and scholars have pointed out that ultimately art depends on human nature. —Steven Pinker More about this quote Tags: art nature human nature Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Art is not living. It is the use of living. —Audre Lorde More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Life is something to do when you can't get to sleep. —Fran Lebowitz More about this quote Tags: life sleep Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
I recorded my hair this morning, tonight I'm watching the highlights. —Jay London More about this quote Tags: humor hair highlights Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer. —Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. More about this quote Tags: war love memory kiss Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age. —Jeanne Moreau More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Love is like the measles; we all have to go through it. —Jerome K. Jerome More about this quote Tags: love Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
I've spent most of my life and most of my friendships holding my breath and hoping that when people get close enough they won't leave, and fearing that it's a matter of time before they figure me out and go. —Shauna Niequist in Bittersweet More about this quote Tags: life fear friendship relationships caution leaving Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
You can tell a lot about a person not just by their successes, but by how they deal with their setbacks. —Sarah Mlynowski in Ten Things We Did More about this quote Tags: success coping setbacks Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
I have no patience for cheaters. I don't care what people say—cheating never 'just happens.' If your eye's wandering, then there's something wrong with your relationship. Either work things out with your partner or have the balls to break things off before jumping into bed with someone else. —Ember Casey in Her Wicked Heart More about this quote Tags: patience relationship cheating breaking up Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Maybe it's not about determination or love or how hard you can fight. Maybe it's just about fate and what is meant to be. —Lisa Schroeder in Far from You More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
It's not really the love that I envy, it's the trust. The feeling that no matter how bad you screw up, there is always someone who will accept you and love you for who you are; not because they have to, just because they can't not love you. —Cassia Leo in Abandon More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email