I think that when enough time has passed, when you've survived that which you didn't imagine you could, there's a dignity in that. Something you can own. A pride in knowing the pain made you stronger. The pain made you fight to succeed. Someday, when I'm living my dreams, I'm going to think of all the things that broke my heart and I'm going to be thankful for them. —Mia Sheridan in Kyland More about this quote Tags: strength success time pain survival pride dreams fight Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf. —Rabindranath Tagore More about this quote Tags: life time dance Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
It is better to learn late than never. —Publilius Syrus More about this quote Tags: learning time Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong. —Charles Wadsworth More about this quote Tags: time perspective wrong right parenthood Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia. —Charles M. Schulz More about this quote Tags: time the future Australia apocalypse Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
The days are long, but the years are short. —Gretchen Rubin More about this quote Tags: time perception Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
My wife and I tried two to three times in the last forty years to have breakfast together, but it was so disagreeable that we had to stop. —Winston Churchill More about this quote Tags: relationships time breakfast Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Most couples get married because it's time, not because they're in love. They might have money issues, parental pressure, or they're simply tired of being alone—so they pick Mr. Good Enough and tie the knot. —H.M. Ward in The Wedding Contract More about this quote Tags: love relationships time money marriage commitment Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Time would not change what I was feeling—or not feeling. I'd had time, and though the ache from his desertion hadn't disappeared, it was decreasing. My future was blurry, yes, but I was beginning to imagine a future when I would no longer miss him at all. —Tammara Webber in Easy More about this quote Tags: feeling time future Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country. —Abraham Lincoln More about this quote Tags: time Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
All that really belongs to us is time; even he who has nothing else has that. —Baltasar Gracián More about this quote Tags: time Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth. —Bonnie Friedman More about this quote Tags: time Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. —Carl Sandburg More about this quote Tags: time Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Calendars are for careful people, not passionate ones. —Chuck Sigars More about this quote Tags: time Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Time is a cruel thief to rob us of our former selves. We lose as much to life as we do to death. —Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey More about this quote Tags: time Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email