When I look at my friend's marriages, with their routine day-to-dayness, they actually seem far more romantic than any dating relationship might be. Dating seems romantic, but for the most part it's an extended audition. Marriage seems boring, but for the most part it's a state of comfort and acceptance. Dating is about grand romantic gestures that mean little over the long-term. Marriage is about small acts of kindness that bond you over a lifetime. It's quietly romantic. He makes her tea. She goes to the doctor appointment with him. They listen to each other's daily trivia. They put up with each other's quirks. They're there for each other.

Lori Gottlieb in Marry Him

About Lori Gottlieb

Lori Gottlieb (December 1966, Los Angeles, California, USA) is an American writer and psychotherapist. She is the author of the New York Times bestseller, Maybe You Should Talk to Someone. She also writes the weekly “Dear Therapist” advice column for The Atlantic and is the co-host of the iHeart Radio...

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