If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. —14th Dalai Lama More about this quote Tags: others happiness compassion Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
In Louisville, at the corner of Fourth and Walnut, in the center of the shopping district, I was suddenly overwhelmed with the realization that I loved all those people, that they were mine and I theirs, that we could not be alien to one another even though we were total strangers. It was like waking from a dream of separateness, of spurious self-isolation in a special world, the world of renunciation and supposed holiness. . . . This sense of liberation from an illusory difference was such a relief and such a joy to me that I almost laughed out loud. . . . I have the immense joy of being a member of a race in which God became incarnate. . . . There is no way of telling people that they are all walking around shining like the sun. —Thomas Merton More about this quote Tags: love God laughter joy dream brotherhood relief separateness renunciation holiness Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
There is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham. —Anna Sewell More about this quote Tags: love kindness religion good Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing. —Aldous Huxley More about this quote Tags: church nature mountains father Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Whilst you live, a little religion seems enough; but believe me, it requires a great deal when you come to die. —Geraldine Jewsbury More about this quote Tags: life religion death Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Perhaps the most lasting pleasure in life is the pleasure of not going to church. —William Inge More about this quote Tags: life religion pleasure church Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
I studiously avoided all so-called holy men. I did so because I had to make do with my own truth, not accept from others what I could not attain on my own. I would have felt it as a theft had I attempted to learn from the holy men and to accept their truth for myself. Neither in Europe can I make any borrowings from the East, but must shape my life out of myself — out of what my inner being tells me, or what nature brings to me. —Carl Jung More about this quote Tags: truth religion nature theft holy men Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
God is not a continent, like Antarctica, lying off somewhere, inert, without relation to human life till some Scott or Amundsen or Byrd finds him. God is not a mountain peak to which travelers must go and which they climb step by step. God is like the air we breathe or the earth beneath our feet. To discover God is simply to awaken to reality. It is like a plant discovering the sun and the rain that drew it from the earth or like children discovering the parents who gave them birth and love and nurture. —Luther A. Weigle More about this quote Tags: love life reality God children birth earth air awakening Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
It is good to be born in a church, but it is bad to die there. It is good to be born a child, but bad to remain a child. Churches, ceremonies, symbols are good for children; but when the child is grown up, he must burst, either the church or himself. . . . The end of all religion is the realization of God. —Vivekananda More about this quote Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Dogma can in no way limit a limitless God. —Flannery O'Connor More about this quote Tags: God religion dogma belief Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
What is religion? That which is never spoken. —Henry David Thoreau More about this quote Tags: spirituality religion speech Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
If the question could be put to a popular vote, I do not believe a single state would vote for the coming of Jesus to reign here as he reigns in heaven. I do not believe a single county, city, ward in this city, or a single precinct in this country would vote for his coming. . . . The Republican party would vote for the biggest blackguard on earth rather than for him. The Democrats would vote solidly against him. Even the Prohibitionists wouldn't want him here. I see some of you shaking your heads. Well, shake 'em. I'm talking facts. —Dwight L. Moody More about this quote Tags: politics democracy Jesus heaven Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Nobody can deny but religion is a comfort to the distressed, a cordial to the sick, and sometimes a restraint on the wicked; therefore whoever would argue or laugh it out of the world without giving some equivalent for it ought to be treated as a common enemy. —Lady Mary Worley Montagu More about this quote Tags: religion enemies world comfort Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
How else but through a broken heart may Christ enter in? —Oscar Wilde More about this quote Tags: religion heart Christ broken heart Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email
Talk to me about the truth of religion and I'll listen gladly. Talk to me about the duty of religion and I'll listen submissively. But don't come talking to me about the consolations of religion or I shall suspect that you don't understand. —C. S. Lewis, after the death of his wife More about this quote Tags: truth religion duty consolation Permalink for this quote facebook twitter tumblr email